Euro-Wall’s New York folding glass doors make bold aesthetic and functional statements when it comes to residential and commercial large openings. Whether these folding glass doors are utilized indoors to create flexibility for how the space can be used or for outdoors to create a seamless transition between two living spaces, it will have an unparalleled impact on people’s experience.
For interior applications, our New York folding glass doors provide the ability to separate spaces in a clean and modern fashion when closed. Conversely our folding doors can unite spaces when opened blurring the lines between areas creating large open venues.
For exterior applications a Euro-Wall folding door truly invites the outside in creating an open living or commercial space. No matter what the opening width of your exterior application is, our accordion doors create seamless transitions and unobstructed views for a truly unique experience.
As you can see, among the vast array of tools and building concepts architects use when designing a project, incorporating large expanses of folding doors can play a key part in creating a connection between the establishment and its surroundings.
Many other companies offer folding glass doors, but Euro-Wall goes above and beyond the industry standard in all aspects. The Euro Vista Fold™ doors meet the the most stringent building requirements, at staggering 12' tall heights. In addition to being top-quality and structurally sound, Euro-Wall’s hurricane rated folding glass doors can be configured as radius, 90 degree postless corner units, bar top and split configuration systems. The Euro Vista Fold™ doors will create incomparable aesthetics in any type of space. Euro-Wall looks forward to providing flexible options for your next project, contact us today for a direct quote.